Timing System
Gantry & Transponders
Our timing system is an I-Lap Timing System from rclapcounter.com. It consists of a chain of bridge sensors mounted over the gantry, which are connected by RJ45 cables carrying RS485 serial. This connects to a timing PC over USB using an "I-Lap Timing Decoder".
Our transponders are mainly the standard I-Lap Car / Truck Transponder, fitted with a 2 pin JST connector. Some are provided in an enclosure with an integral 2S lipo, some will require a power supply from your hacky. 5V USB power banks can be used, but care should be taken to avoid auto-shutoff of the power bank, as the transponders do not draw much current.
Open Source Transponders
We have also successfully been trialling CoreIR based transponders as our number of racers outgrows our stock of original transponders. This is being documented on the Hacky Racers GitHub.
We currently use Flip Side Racing Software, which does occasionally have some reliability issues.
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